K9 Scent Games – sniffing for fun

Find out more about K9 Scent Games with our next Introductory Course. It’s a fun activity for you and your dog. You can train at home. Your dog will learn to find and indicate specific given scents using their amazing nose. No prior obedience training needed – let your dog take the lead and enjoy this game as a team. Classes include theory and training time with your dog. K9 Scent Games may be a hobby or you may train to competition level. Course dates: All classes are held on Friday evenings Group 1: 29 January, 5 February and 12 February Group 2: 19 February, 26 February and 5 March Times: 2 classes choose from 5:30 pm – 6:30p m or 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm Location: Cairns City Kennel Club, 11 Quigley St (behind showground Shopping Centre) Cost: $50 per person includes single club membership What you need to bring: Plenty

CCKC Annual General Meeting 2021

The Cairns City Kennel Club Inc. Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Election of Office Bearers for 2020 will be held at the Walter Crow Pavilion, Cairns Show Grounds, Quigley Street, Cairns on Saturday 30 January 2021 commencing at 6:30 p.m. A meal will be served at the conclusion of the meetings. Click here to view the official AGM Notice. Registration and payment of membership fees for 2020 will be accepted from 6:00 pm. In accordance with Rule 61 (b) of the Rules of the Association, only current financial members are permitted to vote at the meeting.  Payment of membership must be accompanied with a completed membership form.  Click here to download a copy of the CCKC Membership Form. Renewal of membership may also be made by returning a completed form via email to [email protected] with payment made by direct deposit to Cairns City Kennel Club General Account (Commonwealth Bank BSB

ATKC Dog Show Camping 31 Dec – 2 Jan

Camping will be available to exhibitors attending the show in accordance with Camping Dogs Queensland Events. The following conditions apply: Camping must be prepaid via Show Manager and campers must complete the Cairns Show Association Approval for Camping Application form and submit to the Show Secretary via email: [email protected]. Click here to download a copy of the camping application form. Maximum capacity of the camping area is 40 people, 26 sites. Camping sites measure at least 10 metres by 12 metres and are spaced at least 5 metres apart. Refer to the Camping Site Plan All camp sites will be pre allocated. Set up is only available in the designated and marked camping spaces. Access to camping will be available from 8:00 am on Thursday, 31 December. All campers must leave the grounds by midday, Sunday, 3 January 2021. Entry and exit to the camping grounds is via the Scott

Dog Show FAQs

A COVID Safe dog show is new to many of us.  These are some of the more frequently asked questions. Arrival and departure Gazebos Face Masks Ring procedures Other

Dog Show Camping 20 & 21 Nov 2020

Camping will be available to exhibitors attending the show in accordance with Camping DogsQueensland Events. The following conditions apply: Camping must be prepaid via Show Manager and campers must complete the Cairns Show Association Approval for Camping Application form and submit to the Show Secretary via email: [email protected] . Click here to download a copy of the camping application form. Maximum capacity of the camping area is 40 people, 26 sites. Camping sites measure at least 10 metres by 12 metres and are spaced 5 metres apart. Refer to the Camping Site Plan (to be updated 2/11/2020) All camp sites will be pre allocated. Set up is only available in the designated and marked camping spaces. Access to camping will be available from 8:00 am on Friday, 20 November. All campers must leave the grounds by midday, Sunday, 22 November. Entry and exit to the camping grounds is via the

Flyball Registration and Intake

Flyball is often described as drag racing for dogs: fast, furious and full of excitement. It is a relay race between two teams of four dogs. Each dog must jump over four hurdles, retrieve a ball by triggering a flyball box pedal and then return with the ball over the hurdles to the start/finish line. The Flyball community is passionate, encouraging and diverse. The enthusiasm and sheer exhilaration of the dogs’ faces (and some of the handlers faces too) creates a vibrant atmosphere. If you are looking for a new and stimulating way to spend time with your dog – then why not give Flyball a go and come join our introductory course.  The course cost includes: An introduction and orientation session 3  training classes Membership of the Cairns City Kennel Club Inc. Registration must be made in advance to attend.  Walk-ins on the evening will not be accepted. Registration

Show handling classes are back

Show Handling Classes return to CCKC on Monday, 20 July 2020.  Some key elements of how Monday night’s class will run are: Limit of 30 participants (make sure you confirm your place via the Facebook event, contact Kerry Frame). Classes will focus on basic ring craft (movement etc) because at this stage we will not be doing hands on examinations of dogs. You will need to respect social distancing requirements Cost is $2.00 per person. A copy of the full plan is available for download: https://cairnscitykennelclub.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Show-Handling-COVID-19-Plan-V1.0.pdf

Mega May Raffle

CCKC May Mega Raffle Thank you to everyone who entered.  Good luck. Enjoy a post COVID-19 lock down shopping spree, or stock up on the essentials, with a Woolworths Wish gift card. $5 per ticket. 1st prize: $250 Woolworths Wish gift card 2nd prize: $150 Woolworths Wish gift card 3rd prize: $50 Woolworths Wish gift card   Entries close 11:59 pm, Sunday, 24 May 2020. The raffle will be drawn at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, 26 May 2020 Enter and pay via Show Manager or register online and pay by direct deposit. Terms and conditions: By entering the raffle you accept these terms and conditions. Entries close 11:59 pm, Sunday, 24 May 2020. The raffle will be drawn on Tuesday, 26 May 2020 at 7:00 pm. An entry will only be considered valid with the confirmed payment and completed entry form. Payments must be deposited into the nominated bank account.  The

Update regarding imapct of CoViD-19

Good evening members, I would first like to acknowledge the challenging times we are in at the moment.  Many of you will be faced with many new and often troubling experiences dealing with home isolation, working from home, perhaps loss of income, home schooling or you may know of someone close to you or your family affected.  I encourage you to reach out to family, friends and neighbors to stay connected, perhaps a phone call to a loved one or a chat over the fence with your neighbor.  I have enjoyed seeing lots of families out walking together, in some ways it has brought some families closer together, but I acknowledge that these are trying times for many of you. Some of you may already be aware that Dogs Queensland Board has extended the cancellation of all events up to and including 31 August 2020.  In line with Dogs Queensland,

Special Announcement to Members

For the information of all CCKC Members, Our members are the cornerstone of the Cairns City Kennel Club, and your welfare and safety is of paramount importance.  The global COVID-19 pandemic has presented the Club’s Management Committee and Dogs Queensland (our State governing body) with an unprecedented situation.  On the advice of Dogs Queensland, the Club has suspended ALL events and activities until 30 April 2020. These cancelled events include: Show handling classes (held on Monday evenings) Obedience classes – puppy preschool, pet manners, intermediate and advanced classes (held on Tuesday evenings) Flyball training (held on Wednesday evenings) Advanced competition and obedience training (held on Thursday evenings) K9 Scent Games training (held on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings) Advanced Competition Agility Training (held Sunday afternoons) Show Writers Training scheduled for Saturday, 21 March The show handling class and social dinner scheduled for Saturday, 4 April The obedience, rally obedience, agility,