CCKC and MDKC May Shows

Update regarding the CCKC and MDKC shows for the May long weekend Parking for day exhibitors is only available on Quigley St. Parking in the club grounds or the camping area is not permitted. Gates will open to set up gazebos from 5pm on Friday, 30 April. See the ground site plan for where gazebos can be set up on the grounds. The veranda area in front of the clubhouse is reserved for shelter in the event of rain. Please do not set up in this area. Please only set up camp in the areas shown on the camping site plan. The area closest to the grounds is reserved for people with mobility issues. Campers must complete the Cairns Show Association Camping Approval Form

Flyball Intake 28 April 2021

Flyball is often described as drag racing for dogs: fast, furious and full of excitement. It is a relay race between two teams of four dogs. Each dog must jump over four hurdles, retrieve a ball by triggering a flyball box pedal and then return with the ball over the hurdles to the start/finish line. The Flyball community is passionate, encouraging and diverse. The enthusiasm and sheer exhilaration of the dogs’ faces (and some of the handlers faces too) creates a vibrant atmosphere. If you are looking for a new and stimulating way to spend time with your dog – then why not give Flyball a go and come join our introductory course.  The course cost includes: An introduction and orientation session 3  training classes Membership of the Cairns City Kennel Club Inc. Registration must be made in advance to attend.  Walk-ins on the evening will not be accepted. Registration

A COVID Sigh of Relief

The Cairns City Kennel Club has paved the way in COVID Safety.  We were the first club in Queensland to hold a sanctioned obedience and agility trial and the first club outside of Brisbane to host a dog show.  Thank you to all of the members and participants in club events and activities for taking on the extra tasks and challenges associated with COVID Safety. As of Saturday, 13 March 2021, the Queensland Government eased restrictions for events.  What this means for the CCKC is a significant easing of our COVID Safe practices.  All we need to do now is: Maintain physical distancing Frequent hand washing/sanitising Maintain good cleaning practices.  e.g. clean toilets after each training session, event or activity Do not come to the club if you are unwell No buffets or self-service food Indoor spaces are still limited to 1 person per 2 square metres. Some things can

Mareeba and District Kennel Club Shows 19 & 20 March 2021

Updated COVID Safety Requirements The further easing of restrictions has allowed the Mareeba and District Kennel Club to adopt the following COVID Safe measures for its upcoming shows. COVID Safety Do not come to the show if you are unwell. Ensure you check-in on arrival using the QR Code. A paper form is available if you do not have a smart phone. Please maintain physical distancing of 1.5 metres Practice good hygiene by washing or sanitising your hands frequently. Camping Camping is back to full capacity with no requirement for designated spaces. Campers will still need to complete the Camping Form. Grey water must be disposed of into the dedicated dump points. Campers must maintain physical distancing. The camping area closest to the show ring is reserved for people with mobility issues. Gazebos Gazebos can be set up anywhere in the orange gazebo zone. Please be mindful and respectful of

Agility Foundation Course

This 4 week course is aimed at people wanting to enter agility competitions. Best suited to dogs over 10 months of age, we sometimes allow younger dogs with experienced handlers. Competition agility is quite different to doing agility just as a fun pastime; the focus is on handling skills rather than just negotiating equipment. Click here to download a copy of the flyer. Click here to download a copy of the enrolment form.

Updated CCKC COVID Safe Plan

The CCKC is committed to protecting the health and safety of our members and visitors to our facility.  Our COVID Safe Plan has been updated to reflect the easing of restrictions and  to respond to feedback from members. Some of the key changes now in Version 5.0 include: Camping restrictions eased.  Campers can now camp at least 1.5 metres apart and sites are no longer marked out or pre-allocated.  Capacity for camping has increased to 100 people.  Refer to Part 1, Section 19 for full details of camping.  The camping site plan is available in Part 3, Section 8. 2 show rings. A site plan has been developed to provide for 2 rings at a dog show.  The size of assembly areas has been increased to ensure physical distancing can be maintained.  Having 2 rings does reduce the available space for gazebos and there are fewer shade shelters available.  The

Tracking Information Night

Learn all about tracking Tracking is a sport that is open to all dogs (pedigree and mixed breeds) from 6 months of age.  No prior training is required.  This sport is a great way to put your dog’s keen sense of smell to the test. Come along to our general information session and discover what tracking is all about, how to get started, some training tips and how a tracking trial is run. When: Friday, 12 March 2021 Time: 6:00 pm Cost: $10 per person Where: Cairns City Kennel Club, 11 Quigley St, Cairns (behind the Showgrounds Shopping Centre) This is a human only event, please leave your dogs at home. Bookings are essential due to the limited number of places available.  Contact Silka via email [email protected] or phone 0418 742 675. Please make your payment directly to Cairns City Kennel Club or with cash on the night. Account Name:

Tributes flow for retiring president

At the Cairns City Kennel Club Inc’s Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 30 January 2021, Ley James hung up the President’s dog lead after 35 years as in role. The club members and invited guests celebrated Ley’s incredible contribution to the club and the canine community at a special ceremony after the meeting. The club moved to its current location in the Cairns Show Grounds over 40 years ago. Ley was instrumental in leading the construction and development of the club’s facilities including the club house, grounds and shade shelters. Ley was known for utilising his community connections to get the job done with the minimal of fuss and was always ready to roll up his sleeves when the going got tough. In a letter from Ulla Greenwood, President of Dogs Queensland said “Ley’s contribution to the “Dog World” in Far North Queensland and Queensland as a whole has been

Competition obedience workshop

2-day Competition obedience workshop with Glynis Hendricks Saturday, 20 February and Sunday, 21 February 2021 Motivation – Engagement – Precision Fine tune your skills as Competition Obedience Handler. Glynis Hendricks has 40 years’ experience breeding internationally recognised pedigree German Shepherd Dogs for working and family pets; she has trained with world leading dog trainers; she successfully competes at state and national level in International Gebrauchshund Prufung (IGP) and teaches dog obedience to handlers and dogs and puppies of all levels (IGP or ANKC) from novice to International competitors. Glynis has contributed to advancing handlers knowledge and abilities in dog training through her positions and appointments as a judge, chairman, committee member, head trainer and coach with a range of dog clubs, committees and businesses in Australia and South Africa. Glynis enthusiastically shares her knowledge and skills and is committed to engaging the dog’s natural work ethic and has a sharp

Trick Training Workshop

Trick training is fun for you and your dog – and it is now a recognised dog sport by ANKC (Australian National Kennel Council). Teach your dogs tricks, improve your relationship, mentally stimulate your dog and compete against other tricksters. Any dog can compete in Trick Dogs, pedigree dogs, cross breed dogs, fluffy dogs, big dogs, small dogs, older dogs. Find out all about: Shaping Technique – choice based training Maintaining a positive and fun environment Introduction to Clicker Training – how to get started Selection of Tricks Rules of Trick Dog Test What happens at a trick competition Q & A session Date: Saturday, 6 March 2021 Time: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm Cost: $15 per person (includes tea/coffee) Bookings essential. Please email: [email protected] Workshop payment by direct deposit: Account name: Cairns City Kennel Club Obedience Section Account No: 00905399 BSB: 064-804 ID: Please insert Your surname and Trick