CCKC Annual General Meeting

A reminder to members of the Cairns City Kennel Club Inc that the 2019 Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday, 2 February 2019 at the club grounds on Quigley Street, Cairns. The evening starts at 6:00 pm with a social BBQ followed by the AGM at 7:00 pm. The following documents can be downloaded: CCKC AGM Notice. List of 2019 Office Bearer Nominations Membership Application Form

2019 Zone 3 Combined Dog Show and Trial Calendar

The information in the combined calendar is presented in good faith at the time of publication.  Details have been sourced from the Dogs Queensland website and feedback from individual Clubs.  Please ensure you check the show and trial schedules, once published, for full details prior to entering. Click on the links below for Dogs Queensland: 2019 Show/Trial Dates 2019 Show/Trial Schedules

2018 CCKC Trophies and Awards

Congratulations to the trophy and award winners at the 2018 CCKC Annual Presentation Night held on Saturday, 8 December 2018. Dog Sports Trophies Jumping Dog NoviceChocobloc Cody GDBorder CollieLisa James Jumping Dog ExcellentSky AD JDX JDO GD SD SPDBorder CollieKayla James Jumping Dog OpenZippy ADM ADO JDO5 JDM5 GDM SDXBorder CollieLauren Moore Jumping Dog MastersQuickstep Feel The Force ADM3 JDM5 JDO5 ADO3 GDX SPDX SDM Border CollieLauren Moore Agility Dog NoviceMax AD, JDM, JDO2, SPD, SDKing Charles Cavalier x Toy PoodleLuke Carrol & Marc Quabba Agility Dog Excellent Safire Blitzin Away ADM ADO2 JDO3 JDM2 GDX SDXBorder CollieLauren Moore Agility Dog OpenQuickstep Feel The Force ADM3 JDM5 JDO5 ADO3 GDX SPDX SDM Border CollieLauren Moore Agility Dog Masters Quickstep Feel The Force ADM3 JDM5 JDO5 ADO3 GDX SPDX SDM Border CollieLauren Moore Novice Games DogMax AD, JDM, JDO2, SPD, SDKing Charles Cavalier x Toy PoodleLuke Carrol & Marc Quabba Excellent

Black Dog Institute Fundraising

Over the next 10 months members will regularly see Katy at the Cairns City Kennel Club selling her home made dog treats. She’s now a regular at Tuesday night training with dogs coming back each week wanting more. Katy and her friend Sue are raising money for the Black Dog Institute. The Black Dog Institute’s mission is to enable mentally healthier lives through innovations in science, medicine, education, public policy and knowledge translation.  For further information go to the Black Dog Institute website. Katy and Sue will be participating the Hike for Mental Health; a 5 day trek exploring the Great Wall of China in September 2019. For full details on Katy’s inspiring challenge, check out her Everyday Hero fundraising page. Katy’s homemade dog treats are preservative free and come in a huge range of flavours. It’s like a dog treat buffet! Flavours currently available are: Beef Liver and Cheese

CCKC Obedience and Agility Perpetual Trophies

As the trialling season has now finished for 2018, it is time to submit your results to be in the running for the Cairns City Kennel Club end of year obedience and agility perpetual trophies. The Trialling Results Form 2018 needs to be filled in with all details including your dog’s full name (including titles). The form needs to be returned to Jean Wilkinson, Trial Secretary, (email [email protected]) by 10 November 2018. You will notice a slight change this year in that you only need to submit qualifying scores. This makes it much easier as you only need to look at your qual cards. Even if you don’t think you will be in the running for a trophy but you have achieved a title this year, send in your form anyway so that your achievement is recorded. For anyone eligible for the joint obedience and conformation trophies could you please

Tracking Workshop Registrations Open

Tracking is one of the only dog sports where the dog is in control and the handler is relying on cues and signals from the dog. The CCKC will be running a two day tracking workshop to set out the basic skills and get started; equipment, article indication and laying a track. When: Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 November.  From 6am to 10am Where: CCKC grounds. Quigley Street, Cairns Cost: $60, includes morning tea Download a the Information Flyer. For further information and to register email: [email protected]

K9 Nose Work Workshop

K9 Nose Work®  unleashes your dog’s natural ability as a hunter by providing them a safe, fun and exciting opportunity to use their amazing sense of smell to find specifically trained odours in lots of different environments. It is the very best way to build confidence and trust where they are lacking, all the while building an even greater bond, understanding and trust between you and your dog. Being able to smell is engaging the dog in the most natural way, it is proven to be a wonderful activity especially for dogs with confidence and aggression issues. You are able to work in a safe environment and your dog will build confidence by being rewarded for what he is good at. The workshop will be conducted by Marion Brand, founder of K9 Nose Time. Limited dog/handler places available.  Successful dog/handler applications will be advised by 24 November 2018. When: Saturday 1st

CCKC October Trial available on K9 Entries

Our October games and agility trials on Friday 26th and Saturday 27th are now available to enter on K9 Entries. Please advise if you spot any errors. For those people who have already sent entries via email they will be processed for you prior to the catalogue being finalised. If you wish you can of course submit them into K9 entries yourself anytime before the closing date.  For further details contract the Trial Secretary.