The Cairns City Kennel Club Inc. Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Election of Office Bearers for 2020 will be held at the Walter Crow Pavilion, Cairns Show Grounds, Quigley Street, Cairns on Saturday 30 January 2021 commencing at 6:30 p.m.
A meal will be served at the conclusion of the meetings.
Click here to view the official AGM Notice.
Registration and payment of membership fees for 2020 will be accepted from 6:00 pm. In accordance with Rule 61 (b) of the Rules of the Association, only current financial members are permitted to vote at the meeting. Payment of membership must be accompanied with a completed membership form. Click here to download a copy of the CCKC Membership Form.
Renewal of membership may also be made by returning a completed form via email to [email protected] with payment made by direct deposit to Cairns City Kennel Club General Account (Commonwealth Bank BSB 064 804, account number 00912054). In the payment description write “Mship 2020” followed by your name. For example, “Mship 2020 Bloggs”
The Annual General Meeting will be followed by an Ordinary General Meeting of short duration to deal with any ongoing business.
- Open Meeting
- Registration of Apologies
- To confirm minutes from the last AGM
- To receive and adopt Accounts and any accompanying Treasurers reports for 2019
- To adopt a qualified Auditor
- To receive the Presidents Report
- Presentation of Nice Peoples Awards
- Presentation of Life Membership
- Appointment of Returning Officer and /or two scrutineers as required under Rule 44(b) of the Rules of Association
- To receive from the Returning Officer pursuant to Rule 44 (b), or the President pursuant to Rule 43, the result for the election of the Office Bearers and of Members of the Management Committee to pursuant to Rule 42, to elect Officer Bearers and Members of the Management Committee for 2020
Nominations for Office Bearers must be made using the nomination form and returned to the Secretary by close of business Saturday, 9 January 2021. The form may be handed to the Secretary in person or emailed to [email protected]. Click here to download a copy of the Office Bearer Nomination Form.
Nominations for Life Membership must be submitted to the Secretary by close of business Saturday, 9 January 2021. The form may be handed to the Secretary in person or emailed to [email protected]. Click here to download a copy of the Life Membership Nomination Form.
Nominations for a Nice Peoples Award must be submitted to the Secretary by close of business Saturday 9 January 2021. The form may be handed to the Secretary in person or emailed to [email protected]. Click here to download a copy of the Nice People Nomination Form.
Yours sincerely,
Kerry Frame