2022 Trophy and Award Recipients

Congratulations to the trophy and award winners at our annual presentation night held on 10 December 2022.

Volunteer of the year

  • Winner: Jessica Gillies. “Is always a standout and someone who helps with such a friendly and helpful manner”
  • Nominees:
    • Alana Johnstone: “She’s an awesome representative of the club”
    • Wayne Simth: “Encourages and supports new and existing members”
    • Jean Wilkinson: “Contributes to the smooth running of the club, Trials and events”
    • Nerida O’Kell: “Nerida gives freely of her time and commits to anything the club requires volunteers for”
    • Mark Mills: “Mark has been a hardworking and dedicated member of our club for many years and gives his time generously”
    • Meade Oswald: “Inspiring me to have the confidence that I can do anything with my dog.”
    • Simon Webster: “Her efforts in grant writing have injected over $40k in funding to the club.”
    • Linda Halliwell: “She is always busy organizing things”


  • Novice: Bluemoon Resisting Temptation JD GDX SD TKS, Kayla James
  • Excellent: Bluemoon Resisting Temptation JD GDX SD TKS, Kayla James
  • Open: RO CH Scout RM ADM2 JDM ADO2 JDO2 CDX SPDM GDX SDX TKN, Jana Fogarty
  • Masters: Starsky RA ADM ADO JDE JDM JDO GDX SDX SPDM, Sam Alexander
  • Elite: Starsky RA ADM ADO JDE JDM JDO GDX SDX SPDM, Sam Alexander


  • Novice: Guirmere Trifecta AD JDX JDO GDX SDX SPDX, Tricia Williams
  • Excellent: Guirmere Trifecta AD JDX JDO GDX SDX SPDX, Tricia Williams
  • Open: AG CH 400 Sky ADM ADO JDE JDM JDO2 GDM SDM SPDM TKS, Kayla James
  • Masters: AG CH 400 Sky ADM ADO JDE JDM JDO2 GDM SDM SPDM TKS, Kayla James
  • Elite: AG CH 400 Sky ADM ADO JDE JDM JDO2 GDM SDM SPDM TKS, Kayla James

Agility Games

  • Novice: Keelambara Speedy JD GD SD, Alana Johnstone
  • Excellent: Guirmere Trifecta AD JDX JDO GDX SDX SPDX, Tricia Williams
  • Masters: AG CH 400 Sky ADM ADO JDE JDM JDO2 GDM SDM SPDM TKS, Kayla James

Novice Handler

  • Christie Ryan-Smith with her dog Sadie


  • Utility Dog: Neut CH RO CH Haveloc Eli CCD CDX RAE RM TDX TKN, Annette Woolley
  • Open: DUAL CH. (RO) Rathain Dragon Assassin CDX TKS RM RAE GD, Andrea Wohlhuter
  • Novice: Smudge CD RN, Michelle Rothwell
  • Community Companion Dog: Mika CCD RA, Sam Alexander

Tracking and Track and Search

  • Nordenstamm Olympia SWA, Giulia Costa


  • Masters: DUAL CH. (RO) Rathain Dragon Assassin CDX TKS RM RAE GD, Andrea Wohlhuter
  • Excellent: Guirmere Rightoncue CDX RM ADM ADO JDM6 JDO2 GDM SDM SPDM, Tricia Williams
  • Advanced: Ch Neut Ch Hotashell Goddess of an Empire (AI) JC SWA TKN RA CCD, Hannah Marabini
  • Novice: Ch Neut Ch Hotashell Goddess of an Empire (AI) JC SWA TKN RA CCD, Hannah Marabini

Scent Works

  • Novice: Ifdawn Incy Dark Moon JD SWN, Andrea Wohlhuter
  • Advanced: Ch Neut Ch Hotashell Goddess of an Empire (AI) JC SWA TKN RA CCD, Hannah Marabini
  • Excellent: Stella CD RE TKS SWA, Rebecca Watson

Trick Dogs

  • Starter: Mollie TKS, Gabrielle Noack
  • Novice: Ch Neut Ch Hotashell Goddess of an Empire (AI) JC SWA TKN RA CCD, Hannah Marabini
  • Intermediate: Triple Ch. (O) (RO) O.GR.CH Belgenbeau Dragon Heart RAE, TKN, AD, JDX, JDO, SD, SPDM, GDX, Andrea Wohlhuter

Jody Brown Dog Sports Trophy


Conformation Show Junior Handlers

  • 7-10 years: Rhys Gobus
  • 10-13 years: Sienna Gobus
  • 13-17 years: Imogen Green

Conformation Group Awards

  • Group 1: Sup. Ch. Paceaway Partidance, Lowchen, B Graham
  • Group 2: Clayco Rattled To Bone, Fox Terrier (Smooth), S., M. & B. Mills
  • Group 3: Eraky Rumpernickel, Labrador Retriever, W. Chang
  • Group 4: Chilolo Chs Banofee, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Webster/Green
  • Group 5: Ch. Castastar Over The Wall, German Shepherd Dog, M. Purcell
  • Group 6: Sup. Ch. Ryzylva Ticks My Wish List, Portuguese Water Dog, M. & S. Lilley
  • Group 7: Ch. Largyle Don De Dieu, French Bulldog, A. Gobus

Class and Pointscore Awards

  • Sherry Glanville Baby Puppy Trophy: Clayco Colour Me Bad, Fox Terrier (Smooth), S., M. & B. Mills
  • Loch ‘N’ Brae Auld Reekie Puppy Trophy: Jorgia Tommy Turbo, Boxer, G. Svejka
  • Thelma Grant Memorial Trophy (Local Owner/Breeder): Ch. Largyle Don De Dieu, French Bulldog, A. Gobus
  • Top Neuter Dog Trophy: Ch. Ifdawn Incy Red Ginger, Bull Terrier (Miniature), S. Brazier
  • Top Dog Trophy: Sup. Ch. Paceaway Partidance, Lowchen, B Graham

Conformation Championship Title Awards

The following dogs achieved their Australian Neuter Champion title in 2022:

  • Aust Ch Aust Neuter Ch Pureheel Royal Dragon, Aust Cattle Dog, Mandy Dalgleish
  • Aust Cha and Neut. CH.IFDAWN INCY RED GINGER, Bull Terrier Miniature, Sue Brazier
  • Aust Ch and Neut CH Hotashell Goddess of an Empire, American Staffordshire Terrier, Hannah Marabina
  • Aust Ch and Neut CH Hotashell Got Ya Burnin Up, American Staffordshire Terrier, Hannah Marabina

The following dogs achieved their Australian Championship title in 2022:

  • Keelambara Hell Of A Creation, Schnauzer Miniature, Belinda and Lesley Halliwell
  • Ch Chilolo Chs Banofee, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Simone Newman-Webster
  • Ch Goldychocs Lavender Girl, Labrador Retriever, Jill Lennox
  • Jomeja Cats Pajamas (Kenzi), Rhodesian Ridgeback, Maddie Goldberg
  • Ch FoschiaViola RosaSeraphina, Italian Greyhound, owned by Darrin Grimes
  • Ch Eraky Integrity, Labrador Retriever, Wilhelm Chang
  • Ch Labraddell Almamaterette, Labrador Retriever, Wilhelm Chang
  • Ch Mullaya Rainmaker, Labrador Retriever, Wilhelm Chang
  • Ch Eraky Rumpernickel, Labrador Retriever, Wilhelm Chang
  • Ch Bisart The Blue Print, Doberman, Kerrie Kidner
  • Ch Monterrez Hard As Nails Schipperke, Kerrie Kidner
  • The following , French Bulldog, Alicia Gobus:
  • Ch L’argyle Float Lika Butterfly, French Bulldog, Alicia Gobus
  • Ch L’argyle Infinity War, French Bulldog, Alicia Gobus

The following dogs achieved their Australian Supreme Championship title in 2022:

  • Ch. Castastar Over The Wall, German Shepherd Dog, Margaret Purcell

Best in show recognition awards.

These dogs have won a Best in Show, Runner-Up Best in Show, Neuter in Show or Runner-Up Best Neuter in Show

  • 2 x Runner Up Neuter in Shows
    • Aust Cattle Dog, Aust Ch Aust Neuter Ch Pureheel Royal Dragon (Tom), owned by Mandy Dalgliesgh.
  • Best Neuter in Show:
    • American Staffordshire Terrier. Neut CH. Aust CH Hotashell Goddess of an Empire (Athena) owned by Hanna Marabini
  • 1 x Best Neuter in Show, and 1 x Runner Up Best Neuter in Show.
    • American Staffordshire Terrier, Neut CH. Aust CH Hotashell Got Ya Burnin Up (Hector) owned by Hanna Marabini
  • 4 Best Neuter in Show, 3 x runner up best neuter in show:
    • Bull Terrier [Miniature], CH.Neut. CH.IFDAWN INCY RED GINGER (Ginger), owned by Sue Brazier
  • 2 Best Neuter in Show and 4 Runner Up Best Neuter in Show:
    • Belgian Shepherd Malinois, Gr Ch Aust Neut Ch Belgenbeau RuBon Valkyrie, (Freya), Owned by Caroline Hill-Murray
  • A Best in Show:
    • Portuguese Water Dog, Sup Ch Ryzylva Ticks My Wish List (Tristan), owned by Sherry and Matt Lilley
  • 3 Best in Show, 2 Runner Up Best in Show:
    • German Shepherd Dog, Sup. Ch. Castastar Over The Wall, (Bowie), Owned by Margaret Purcell
  • 3 Best in Show, 2 Runner Up Best in Show:
    • Doberman, Sup Ch Jodobie Dante By Chance (Dante), Owned by Kerrie Kidner

Belgenbeau Belgian Trophies

  • Obedience Award; DUAL CH. (RO) Rathain Dragon Assassin CDX TKS RM RAE GD, Andrea Wohlhuter
  • Conformation Award: CH Northernfell Cleopatra AI, Sarah Hill-Murray
  • Combined Sports Award: Nordenstamm Olympia SWA, Guilia Costa

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